Thursday, 21 January 2010

last minute changes?

when recently discussing the types of changes feasible at the later stages of a project, someone told me about Peter Jackson working on the final audio mix just two days before the world premier of Fellowship of the Rings...can you guess why this story was told to me?of course! they wanted free reign to chop and change stuff regardless of how close a major deadline was...

as a counter to this view however, i remember hearing a story about a bloke whose airplane was in a little trouble, he had no parachute but still chose to jump out at 1000ft and take his chances rather than try and land the plane safely...luckily for him he fell over a 1000ft but managed to land in a rather large fir tree and so got away with a just few broken bones...good work fella!

The moral of this is that just 'cos one person managed to do the impossible doesn't make it the sensible swallow doesn't make a summer and all that...

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